“Do teacups really breed”? I am not sure if I said it out loud or only in my head. My Mother had moved in to a retirement home and my sisters and I were cleaning out the house for sale. It might have been purchased as a starter home but almost sixty years had passed since my parents got the keys. Things had accumulated. And with every cupboard or box opened it seemed a fresh new supply of china teacups appeared. Now to be fair, it was not a big house and my parents had done a good job of cleaning it out. It could have been much more of an exercise. But nevertheless, the supply of teacups (and silverware truth be told) did seem endless.
That silly thought about teacups seemed to be a springboard. Many thoughts had been brewing in my head about editing, living more simply and just generally approaching life in a more intentional way. This seemed to be the spark that brought them to life. Fast forward and I have made progress. But it is time to take the next step, to have more community and more accountability. And to see what I learn by blogging and how it helps my accountability. So here goes…